EBA/CP/2022/05 Draft Implementing Technical Standards (NPL Transaction Data Templates)

EBA/CP/2022/05 Draft Implementing Technical Standards (NPL Transaction Data Templates)

The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched on 16 May 2022 a public consultation on the draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) specifying the requirements for the information that sellers of non-performing loans (NPL) shall provide to prospective buyers, seeking to improve the functioning of NPL secondary markets. The new NPL templates contain a total of 157 data fields, which is significantly less than in all previous versions. Nevertheless, 76 data fields (of which 45 are mandatory) require information which has no equivalent in data already collected to meet other reporting obligations (ANACREDIT, FINREP, ESMA RTS 2020/1124, CRR, IAS/IFRS). It may therefore be assumed that institutions will initially have to collect substantially more data compared to the status quo.

